In this video recording, Mother Siluana (Vlad) answers the question: “We asked from God ordinary things, but nothing happened during the years, all the events were negative and they overwhelmed us, and we ended up losers, no-hopers, even for our close people… What should we do now?” “Stop believing in this god! This god you believed in and talked to is not God. God does not marry us, God does not fulfill our desires, does not arrange our jobs. God gives you the grace to become like God.”
Mother Siluana reposed in the Lord on June 8th, 2021. Her ministry in the Romanian Orthodox Church is impressive. She was the abbess of the Convent of St. Silouan in Iasi, coordinator of the Training and Counseling Center “The Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel” and through her many conferences she created a bridge between the young generation and the Orthodox Church in Romania.
Video source (watch the full conference here):
Spre Ţara Luminii
May 10, 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Mother Silouana:
We asked from God ordinary things, but nothing happened during the years, all the events were negative and they overwhelmed us, and we ended up losers, no-hopers, even for our close people… What should we do now?
Stop believing in this god! This god you believed in and talked to is not God. God does not marry us, God does not fulfill our desires, does not arrange our jobs. God gives you the grace to become like God. What if you do some prostrations and keep fasting, a clean confession [to a priest] and say: “Lord, I want to become more spiritual! Lord, give me strength to change all that is bad in me with Your grace! Lord, I want to love You, to know You, to serve You!”
Cry out to Him and give yourself to Him. This is our purpose on earth: to become God’s people. The fact that we marry or not… “Should I get married or not?” “You should marry if you find someone [suitable for marriage]! Otherwise, how to get married… it’s not possible…” Some women also say: “Why don’t you get married too?” and I say: “I would marry, but I can’t find anyone!”
So we have to let go of these neurotic expectations. So, everything you asked from God is not ordinary, it is unnatural, from God we ask what we ask through the Divine Liturgy, we give ourselves to God and then we thank Him for what we have received. If only I could talk to you ‘losers’, to you the ‘loser’ [who asked the question], and make a list of all the gifts you have received from God and continue to receive, just the fact that you are here in the lecture hall, it is a [great] gift… Have you thanked God that you were able to walk here or drive a “loser’s car”? Are you aware of these gifts? No! But, well, you consider yourself a loser…
When you consider yourself a loser, those around you will consider you the same, there is a communication between our brains and they will behave the same. So, let go of all these absurd expectations and enjoy what it is. Enjoy what you have. And joy increases grace. “Lord, give me joy! Lord, help me!” And you will see that the gifts multiply the moment we give thanks to God…