In the third part of the video interview, Patriarch Pavle of Serbia talks about law and service, women’s emancipation, male and female types by Otto Weininger as well as the youth and the story of a prodigal son.
“If we have not yet reached love which is ready to serve, then we should, at least, according to Christ’s word, wish for others what we wish for ourselves.”
“Mahatma Gandhi, a great name of a man, Indian, and also a great man in whole humanity, says if a woman raised in herself what was motherly, feminine, what was truly given to a woman, the world could not resist her.
As Otto Weininger says, this quest for emancipation of a woman is an emancipation of, not a person in a woman, but a harlot.”
“The youth who has future and long life ahead does not always have time to think about the meaning and purpose of life. They often follow their physical instincts and forget themselves. Then they do many things they repent afterwards.”