In this video recording, Mother Silouana (✝2021) talks about compulsory measures imposed by the governments of different countries and the right, Orthodox Christian attitude towards them.
DISCLAIMER: This video was recorded in 2017. It discusses a spiritual aspect and not a medical one. When in doubt, talk with your doctor.
Video source: ASCOR CLUJ, November 12, 2017, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Mother Silouana Vlad:
Yes, our times are terrible… terrible… But God is with us to the end of time. To live in an Orthodox way means to believe that God is with you. Nothing can happen to you, nothing can separate you from God if you say this over and over again, “Lord, help me not to separate from You, no matter what happens.”
I’m forced to do something, for example, oh, Lord, do we have bodyguards to guard me? Because I want to say something bad about the ‘big ones’. 🙂 For example, you are forced to eat iodized salt [since 1995 Romania uses iodized salt]. What an aberration this is! But what should I do? I have no choice… well, you can avoid eating salt, it’s not so hard… What should I do? Let’s say they poison my food… What should we do?
If we can act as citizens of this country, as Christians, for the sake of Christians, for the sake of our children, for the sake of our neighbor… We could do something, we could draw attention, we could say no, we could sign a petition, sure, we have to pray…
But there are situations, there were situations in totalitarianism, when nothing could be done.
What should you do in such cases? You simply allow them to kill you… If they kill you, it means that God allows it, nothing happens without God’s permission. The main idea is whether the iodine contained in the salt separates me from Christ or not… Because if I get into a kind of riot and forget about God then I die for the ‘justice of salt’ and die without Christ [as opposed to martyrdom].
We often become zealots and fighters for the truth, for the Church, for dogmas… and in fact we commit suicide. We do not realize that we are, in fact, the servants of satan, the servants of an ideology.
Thank God for this short message. It is needed in this wicked day.
Could you kindly provide a longer context of this talk? if not the entire talk!
It will be clearer if we listen to what was said before and after this very short idea!