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Three Petitions for the New Year (Met. Pavlos) | New Year Christian Message

In this video, Metropolitan Pavlos of Sisanion and Siatista (+2019), Greece, mentions three main things Christians should ask from the Lord.

Video source: Siatista City, New Year’s Eve 2018

When this year which is about to end was starting, we had many hopes and expectations … how they turned out… each one of us only knows…
We always pray.
Of course, [for a Christian] the purpose in time is given by three requests in the life of the church.
“That this whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask the Lord.” [from the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom]. This is said since the day has already started, its ours, we have woken up and, thus, we can determine her [in time]. And what do we ask for? For this day that was gifted to us by the love of God to be “perfect”, “holy”, “peaceful” and to the extent possible “without sin”.

However, since we are alive today but we do not know for how much longer. We beg “that we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance” [from the Divine Liturgy]. Since this attitude of life is the one that brings us closer to the One who called us to repent and return to His love.

Finally, when the end comes, we beg “A Christian ending to our lives, painless, blameless, and peaceful; and a good defense before the dread judgement seat of Christ” [from the Divine Liturgy].


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