Home Inspirational Quotes Elder Thaddeus – “Conquer all evil with peace and stillness”

Elder Thaddeus – “Conquer all evil with peace and stillness”

Elder Thaddeus - Conquer all evil with peace and stillness
Elder Thaddeus - Conquer all evil with peace and stillness

Here on earth we are given the chance to conquer all evil with peace and stillness. We can have peace when we live in surroundings that are peaceful and quiet, but that peace is not as stable and as permanent as the peace we acquire while living in chaotic conditions. When you move from quiet surroundings to chaotic ones, your mood changes instantly and you become irritable – all of a sudden evil thoughts assail you, and your mind is in hell. That is the end of our peace. This is why the Lord guides us through sufferings and sorrows – so that we may, through them, acquire real peace. Without Him we would not have the strength to overcome these things.

Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica


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