Fr. Rafail Noica talks about the Judgement day that belongs to the man himself…
Available video subtitles: English, Italian, Romanian.
Fr. Rafail:
A Holy Father said that Judgement, in the end, belongs to the man… if the man could live in the God’s presence.
Someone, I don’t remember who, said that at the Judgement there will be two camps: the sheep and the goats, just as Christ shows. Those who have said in their lives to God: ‘Thy will be done’ and those to whom God will say at the Judgment: ‘your will be done’.When will we understand, brothers and sisters, that the only desirable thing, the only Heaven, is to live [this word]: ‘Thy will be done, Lord’? When are we going to understand that ‘my will’, what we call ‘my own will’, is hell!?