Fr. Dumitru Staniloae, the greatest Romanian Orthodox theologian of the twentieth century, talks about the theology of tomorrow, that should be “the theology of the experience of God and not of the rational speculation”.

Source: “Cerul dintre noi” – video production by Silviu Despa (1989)

Fr. Dumitru Staniloae:

Praying on your knees is something different… He who humbles himself knows the greatness of God in a different way than the proud one… in a different way you see the greatness of God… There is a prayer of kneeling, I mean a faith or theology of prayer, piety and poetry…

But I would emphasize that our future theology should be a theology of love and communion… communion with God, communion between us… and love of God and love among us.  I think that the theology of tomorrow should be a theology of love of God and of communion, that is the theology of the experience of God and not of the rational speculation.


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