Home Special moments 95th Birthday / Spiritual message / Wisdom (Archbishop Justinian)

95th Birthday / Spiritual message / Wisdom (Archbishop Justinian)

Video recording of Archbishop Justinian Chira celebrating his 95th Birthday (May 28, 2016). This was his last birthday, a few months before he was born to the new life, among His Saints.

Subtitles: English

Video source: MaraMedia TV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbSgPGdqBfw)

Archbishop Justinian:
God has helped me to live 95 years… and to live them fully…
I have lived fully the spiritual life…
Firstly, I Thank God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Mother of God and all His Angels and Saints…

Forgive my weakness, but 95 years have their say…
The body has aged, the mind is weaker, the sight is darker…
But my heart has remained alive!
My heart has not aged!
My soul has not aged!

Because, the same as my brothers who wear the priestly vestments, I had strong faith and hope in the power of God.

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