What the “fast” means? It is also a very smart diet!
From the 1st through the 14th of August, Orthodox Christians observe the Dormition Fast in preparation for the greatest Feast of the Theotokos.
So, let’s hear some words of Fr. Raphael about how we should understand fasting.
Video description:
A French woman doctor said to Fr. Raphael: “Now I understand Father Raphael, how clever these Early Fathers were… It is just the thing!”
He states that we can learn from the young girls who work a lot to keep their figure, they do it in a smart way, because they pursue something…
So, in that way, we have to pursue something in our spiritual life, it’s not about high performance in fasting, but about the needs of the body and of the soul: “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh” (Gal. 5:17).
We have to smell the hunted… and our hunted is Christ.
Also, he talks about those who work in the office in front of a computer, those who do bodybuilding, gymnastics, weight lifting, fitness, and states that if we could understand the Church and its practices, then most people would not need all these…
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