In this video recording, Fr. Rafail talks about the power of example. He shows that “the more a man lives the commandments of Christ, the more those around him can learn who God is.”
Subtitles: English (YTranslations Ltd), Romanian
This video is part of the speech of Fr. Rafail Noica given at the International Colloquium “Meeting with the spiritual father”, November 13-15, 2016, Iasi, Romania.
Fr. Rafail (transcript):
The more a man lives the commandments of Christ, the more those around him can learn who God is.
We need an icon; for us, God is an abstraction.
We are not even like Cain to be able to speak to Him, to see Him; for us God is an abstraction.
And then, by reading in the Scriptures certain things, we imagine those things…
Until you don’t see anyone concrete who lives, at different times of life, those so-called commandments, we stay with our imaginations and inevitably wander.
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