Home Wisdom from Mount Athos (WMA) A young girl’s confession (Elder Joseph)

A young girl’s confession (Elder Joseph)

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi (Mount Athos) offers us an advice on how to deal with our sinful thoughts, based on his experience.

“I have met a young girl, she was very decent, so innocent…
She never had bodily thoughts… but one day she started to have sinful thoughts. She tried to expel them but she couldn’t do it because she was inexperienced.
So she went to the parish priest that she knew and said to him: “You know, Father, this is very strange, I have never had this kind of thought, but now it’s bothering me and it won’t go away…”

The priest blessed her: “May God forgive you!” And he told her: “If the thought appears again, come and tell me”.

You see, this is the practice of humility which eradicates the devil. Hiding, following one’s own will, based on self-centeredness, is the seat of satan.

We have to eradicate this!

Are you afraid to tell your Elder: “Father, I face a battle…”? Lord of the Powers! Is there any human not facing this battle? We came here to fight…
Christ didn’t brought us here for comfort… He brought us here walking in front of us and He showed us the way of this real warfare…”

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