In this video, Archbishop Christophoros from Jordan talks about finding rest and joy in the Church and in Christ, in His Cross and in the light of His Resurrection.
This is a sermon recorded in March 2019, in the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese – Amman – Jordan.
English translation by Waad Rabahie
Video source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese – Amman – Jordan
Archbishop Christophoros Attallah:
My children, today, as the Cross is in the middle of the Church, the Church is responding to the calling of Christ: “come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” [Matthew 11:28]
And today we ask ourselves, the Christians of the 21st century, “Do we believe that Jesus gives us rest? Are we rested and joyful in Christ? Or not?” This is a question for each one of us to answer.
However… this is the responsibility of the Christian: to have the peace and the joy of Christ. This peace and this joy of Christ is through our trust and belief in our Christ and our Lord Who told us: “come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” We must find rest on His lap. We must have the trust that only on the lap of Christ we can find rest. Because the world around us is offering us many things for resting. The Christian shouldn’t find any place of rest except in Christ.
This is the responsibility of the Christian, to keep his/her Christianity and glorify his God. To want to find rest in Christ and in the lap of the Church which Christ redeemed with His holy Blood on the Cross.
We must trust in our Christ Who has overcome the world and the vanity of the world, Who has overcome death, which was dominant over humanity… Christ has overcome death and gave us the resurrection.
The light of the resurrection should enlighten our hearts and give us grace, strength, and blessing, so that we may overcome all our hardships and trials with the peace and joy of the Lord and in the lap of Christ.
May God make us worthy to be participants of this glory which we are all called to live as children of Christ!
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