Home The Path of Humility “Grace lives in the little ones” (Fr. Sophrony)

“Grace lives in the little ones” (Fr. Sophrony)

Fr. Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, based on the experience of Saint Silouan the Athonite, talks about humility as a condition of receiving the grace.

Fr. Sophrony:
“Lowering oneself… this is a great spiritual act before God. Even our Lord humbled Himself [Philippians 2:8].
We read in our father [St. Silouan] the following words: “Grace lives in the little ones, not in the great ones”.

This is how the Lord gave him to understand: the more humble is a man,
the more deep he enters the struggle of emptying oneself,
the higher his state before God,
and the greater his capacity to receive the great grace.”

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