In this recording, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou (Orthodox Church of Cyprus) recounts a message he received the next day after the repose of Elder Ephraim of Arizona (✝ December 7, 2019). He also tells us some prophecies of Elder Ephraim regarding the End Times in America.
Audio source: ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΟΥ ΜΟΡΦΟΥ, December 2019, Cyprus
Metropolitan Neophytos:
The strange things is the following that happened after his blessed and holy repose which took place yesterday, Sunday, 7:15 am local Cyprus time.
On Monday, a man of God whose eyes have cleansed sent me a message and tells me:
My dear brother Neofytos, I saw three crowns to be given to elder Ephraim by the Lord during his glorification. The first, the crown of the Saint. Because with the love that he showed to the Jesus prayer and prayer, as I said, he cleansed and enlightened and sanctified his heart. This is the way of the Saints. The way of asceticism, to be vigilant of our nous [mind] and this is how you become “virgin”.
A holy presence who was a married woman when on earth, now in the heavens, known to me, appeared to her sister and told her. “Virginity” is not what you believe on earth. “Virginity” is to be careful of your nous and as fast as possible before the nous conceives a temptation to fall in repentance. [She told her] “From the moment, I became a widow with four orphans, I took care of my nous”.
and when I stood before Christ he said: “Myrofora will go to the virgins”. A woman who was married… but who was vigilant of her nous… and I am aware to whom I speak in this monastery of Panagia Pantanassa. This man of God, a virgin in his body and soul, God granted him the crown of sainthood.
The second crown that this brother in Christ witnessed [being given to fr. Ephraim] was the crown of the martyr. He martyred, as it happens often, because of the envy of monks, priests, abbots, hierarchs… Who are the ones who envy us often? Who do we envy often? The ones that are equal to us.
This can also be found inside a priest’s vestments whether it is monasticism or remaining unmarried inside the world. And [truth is] that this man [fr. Ephraim] was much accused in Mount Athos but, even more, when he went to America and there he created almost 20 monasteries. There was much reaction [against him] by the secularized Protestant climate of America, 30 years ago.
We were listening about those things. Our brothers were telling us about them…what kind of a struggle they had to go through so that the monasteries would maintain an ascetic level. So that they were filled with American monks and nuns and all services from those English-speaking people to be performed in Ancient Greek and with Byzantine music. This was the condition set by fr. Ephraim. All the services will take place in the language of accuracy and theological wisdom and in the music not of Greeks or Byzantines but, as Papadiamantis says, in the music of angels. The one we listened to tonight.
The third crown [that was given to him] was the one of “equal-to-the-Apostles”. How can he not receive this crown when with all the great laborious apostolic work he performed in the large American continent and Canada and elsewhere, he managed to change the climate of the whole of America? And an America who is now drown into secularization, demonism and worship of the flesh to be driven by one priestmonk of Mt. Athos with a weak voice and a humble man in the ascetic state and in demeanor of the cleansing, the enlightenment and the sainthood. This orthodox demeanor of our holy fathers and mothers. Do you know what is the strange thing?
Today, online one writes: “Yesterday, on Tuesday morning, Saint Ephraim appeared—and we are not in a hurry to canonize him, the people have already done it—to a little kid in America and he talked to him in English. The little kid saw him with three crowns on his head and told him: “Father, what are those three crowns on your head? I see three of them.” He told him: “The one is of asceticism, the other is because I endured the blames and the slandering and was forgiving those who accused me and the third because of the apostolic work I performed in your homeland so you can become Saints, the new generation of America. Once, when the bishops asked him ironically: “why are you building these monasteries with the nuns and the monks, father Ephraim?”.
He told them [and this regards] his fourth quality. God will provide him with a fourth crown shortly. The crown of the prophet. He, along with Saint Paisios, are the prophets of our kin regarding the End Times that are coming. He, himself, said: “These monasteries will act as a refuge for the next generation of Americans when the tough times of decay will arrive and [America] will now longer be a superpower. And then, a lot of people will take shelter around the monasteries to save their souls, and they will be saved. Afterwards, the neo-martyrs of American Orthodoxy will come out of these monasteries. “Do you notice what vision this man of God possessed? How far he could see?”
“Abbess, today you built a monastery and we perform the Liturgy and 100 years in the future, new nuns arrive to become martyrs.”
One sows, another reaps. This is how the providence of the Holy Spirit works.
This is how fr. Ephraim worked, this is how Saint Spyridon worked, this is how we should work in case we want to have a share of the great sainthood of Saint Spyridon and of the great, prophet of End Times, Martyr, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Saint Ephraim.
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