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THE ELDERS MAKE US LAUGH in hard times | The Anecdote of the Mirror

”Stand on the edge of the abyss and when you feel that it is beyond your strength, break off and have a cup of tea.” Elder Sophrony (Sakharov) of Essex
This beautiful and inspiring anecdote of the mirror was delivered by Fr. Djordje Orovic at the Monastery of the Archangels, in Prevlaka, Montenegro.

Video source and English translation: Vroga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK9yL01lmqo

Fr. Djordje Orovic:
When people did not have mirrors…
Once a gardener took a walk through the garden and for the first time, he found a mirror but he never saw a mirror before…
He was serving in a manor house, they had it, a lady had it, and while walking she lost it, he found it, “What is this, what is this?”
He looks at the mirror and starts laughing: “Ahh, this is my dad!”
And then he jealously kept the mirror so he could look at his father.
So he kept it, you know, under his pillow.
Meanwhile, his wife, as any wife, she could tell he is hiding something, that there is something suspicious there.
So when he gets out of the house, she takes a look at the mirror and starts crying: “He has been cheating on me with someone!”
And then there was an old priest, with gray hair, like me, the elders were those who gave consolation, who could reconcile, understand, and talk with people.
So she goes straight to her spiritual father, the Elder, and says: “Father! Terrible, terrible!”
She burst into tears.
He replies: “What is it?!”
“He’s cheating on me, He’s cheating on me!”
“Don’t say such things, I know him so well, he is not like that, please don’t say such things.”
“Alright, if you do not believe me, take a look at it for yourself!”
He takes a look at it and starts laughing. He says: “My dear daughter, can’t you see? This is [an image of] Saint Nicolas.”


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