Home Patriarch of the People (POP) Patriarch of the People (POP) – S01E04

Patriarch of the People (POP) – S01E04

In the 4th part of the interview Patriarch Pavle talks about youth and monasticism, freedom vs non-freedom as well as success and happiness.

“Now, in these circumstances there is insistence on materialistic prosperity. It is just like when children create dam on the lake out of stones and branches so they could have a swim. When the water comes, it breaks through the dam on the other side. It is the same with young people who are fed up with materialistic teachings. Now that the curtain is raised and the other side is seen, they often go that other direction.”

“We, angels and other created beings are made with lower freedom. We CAN chose not to sin, develop higher and higher and transit into that higher freedom – not be able to sin, if we want. If we sin more and more, we keep falling into ‘non-freedom’. Until one day we get to complete non-freedom – not be able NOT to sin.”

“Certainly, a man can serve in every vocation he is interested in. A scientist can serve for the benefit of people. An artist can can also do that. All those vocations can be directed in such way. If every one of them understood their work in such way, they would have bliss, not just happiness. Nobody could take that away from them.”

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