Home Inspirational Quotes St. Gregory Palamas – On blaming Adam and Eve

St. Gregory Palamas – On blaming Adam and Eve

St. Gregory Palamas - On blaming Adam and Eve
St. Gregory Palamas - On blaming Adam and Eve

Many people perhaps blame Adam for the way he was easily persuaded by the evil counsellor and rejected the divine commandment and through such a rejection procured our death. But it is not the same thing to want a taste of some deadly plant prior to testing it and to desire to eat of it after learning by the test that it is deadly. For a man who takes in some poison after testing it and wretchedly brings death upon himself is more culpable than the one who does this and suffers the consequences prior to the test. Therefore, each of us is more abundantly culpable and guilty than Adam. But is that tree not within us? Do we not, even now, have a commandment from God forbidding us to taste of it?

Saint Gregory Palamas
One Hundred and Fifty Chapters . 55

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