Home Inspirational Quotes Saint Silouan – Believe firmly that the moment you ask you will...

Saint Silouan – Believe firmly that the moment you ask you will receive forgiveness

Saint Silouan the Athonite - Believe firmly
Saint Silouan the Athonite - Believe firmly

The sinful soul which does not know the Lord fears death, thinking that the Lord will not forgive her her sins. But this is because the soul does not know the Lord and how greatly He loves us. But if people knew this, then no man would despair in his heart, for the Lord not only forgives but rejoices exceedingly at the return of a sinner. Though you be at death’s door believe firmly that the moment you ask you will receive forgiveness.
The Lord is not like us. He is passing meek, and merciful, and good; and when the soul knows Him she marvels greatly and exclaims: ‘O what a Lord is ours!’

Saint Silouan the Athonite, Wisdom from Mount Athos

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