Home Inspirational Quotes Elder Aimilianos – On Suffering

Elder Aimilianos – On Suffering

Elder Aimilianos - On Suffering
Elder Aimilianos - On Suffering

The majority of illnesses have their causes not in the body, but in the soul. We are sick because we have sinned. And we are sick, not because God is punishing us, but because sickness and suffering are necessary for our correction, for our education and growth. Sickness and suffering are the most direct and effective way for us to enter the kingdom of heaven (cf. Acts 14:22). Thus the person who does not see his illness as his best friend is in danger of remaining outside of paradise. The greater the illness, the greater God’s closeness to us, even if the illness has been caused by our sins. If sin is the cause of our illness, we must seek to correct the sin; our focus should not be on curing the bodily symptoms, but on correcting their spiritual cause. If our illness has its source in sin, then the cure, the program of therapy, will be different from the kind we apply when the illness is caused by other factors.
Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra, Psalms and the life of faith

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