Signs of the End Times (SET)
Home Signs of the End Times (SET)
Metropolitan Athanasios – Signs of the End Times
Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemesos talks about the right Christian attitude regarding the signs of the end of the age.
Met. Athanasios:
"God Himself has concealed...
Fr. Petroniu – What about ‘666’? (SET, S01E01)
The former abbot of the Skete of the Forerunner , Fr. Petroniu Tanase, talks about the number of the Beast , 666, and how...
Fr. Ioanichie – When will be the end of the world?
In this video, Fr. Ioanichie (Joannicius) Balan, remembers a conversation with a hermit that lived in the mountains around the Sihastria Monastery. Will the year 2000...
On biometric health cards
Fr. Raphael talks about biometric health cards and generally about biometric ID cards and other forms of biometric identification. He uses an example of...
End Times Prophecy (St. Paisios)
A tape-recorded prophecy of St. Paisios the Athonite that is coming true right before our eyes. These are the signs: sorrow, attacks, emigration, disorder, waste, indifference, judgement, unbelief, hatred, envy.
8 questions of Saint Paisios the Athonite
Tape recording of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos where he asks himself essential questions about the spiritual life of the contemporary Christians.
Signs of the...
How to preserve the inner peace in a busy world? (Fr. Rafail)
Fr. Rafail Noica, a Romanian disciple of Fr. Sophrony Sakharov, talks about the possibility to preserve the inner peace in a busy world.
Fr. Rafail:
End-Times PROPHECY: the way of tears (St. Sophrony)
Saint Sophrony the Athonite (+July 11, 1993) is one of the most beloved orthodox Christian elders of our times. In this rare audio recording...
The Christian “Special Forces” fighting against antichrist
In this video recording, Elder Ephraim of Arizona talks about the importance of monasteries in the End Times, as beacons of Orthodox spirituality, “Special...