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HOW to BE HAPPY with what you have | A story of thankfulness |...

"Geronda, I worry because I have many health problems… I do not sense Heaven within me now. You do not sense Heaven because you...

Blond Jesus Appeared to Saint Paisios | How Did He React?

One night at the Stomion Monastery after the Apodeipnon, I was saying the Jesus Prayer while sitting on a stool in my cell. All...

If evil approaches from one direction, then… | Saint Prophyrios

You won’t become saints by hounding after evil. Ignore evil. Look towards Christ and He will save you. Instead of standing outside the door...

Simple ways to fight against pride | Saint Paisios of Mount Athos

Elder, how can I dispel vainglorious thoughts? By rejoicing with the opposites of what worldly people seek. You can be active in the spiritual...

Sin disfigures a man, while grace brings beauty (Saint Silouan the Athonite)

I once knew a boy who looked like an angel, so submissive and gentle was he. His little face was pink and white, and...

Would you sacrifice yourself for your child? (Saint Silouan the Athonite)

Brother R. told me how once when he lay seriously ill his mother said to his father: ‘How ill our little lad is! I...

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