Fr. Sophrony Sakharov
Home Fr. Sophrony Sakharov
”If he speaks otherwise, then he is not the Spirit” | Voice of St....
Saint Sophrony the Athonite (+July 11, 1993) is one of the most beloved Orthodox Christian elders of our times. In this audio recording he...
Elder Sophrony speaks about the death of St. Silouan the Athonite
In this audio recording, Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov) speaks about the death of his master, St. Silouan the Athonite.
Available subtitles: English, Romanian.
Hegumen Misael, that wonderful...
A Prayer of Elder Sophrony Sakharov
In this recording, Fr. Rafail, a disciple of Fr. Sophrony, prays with the prayer of his spiritual father:
Fount of...
Fr. Rafail: “I realized that Fr. Sophrony was a saint”
Fr. Rafail, a disciple of Fr. Sophrony, talks about the main characteristics of a saint: humbleness and naturalness. These were abundantly found in the...
Why does God allow wars and suffering? | Saint Sophrony the Athonite (✝ July...
Learn from St. Sophrony the Athonite about why God allows suffering (+July 11, 1993). This talk covers the role of faith, the importance of...
”It’s like he knew!” (Fr. Sophrony)
First Sunday after Pentecost – the Church remembers all of the saints.
Although he has not been yet glorified as a saint in the Orthodox...
Fr. Sophrony giving candies to a child
Fr. Rafail, a disciple of Fr. Sophrony, talks about how Fr. Sophrony used to give candies to children... he had his own style...
This video...
Fr Sophrony (audio recording) – ‘We shall see Him as He is’
In this rare audio recording he talks about the reality of seeing God and also the way to get there.
Fr Sophrony:
Lord says: “Blessed are...
Fr. Sophrony – Theology vs imagination
Fr. Rafail remembers the words of Fr. Sophrony , "the mind inclined towards imagination is not able to theologise, because theology is concrete life."
A message of unity: they all may be one!
In the context of the Holy and Great Council, prayer is one of our main responsibilities as Christians.
In this video, Fr. Raphael Noica talks about...